Take advantage of Covid-19 Quarantine

and hibernation

Checkout our YouTube video on this at —

“I have a feeling some people will come out a lot net positive out of this quarantine hibernation, and some will remain the same” — Unknown

This seems true, especially observing around, how many new businesses have started recently. Many have closed, but many have sprung up as well.

If you and your family has been staying healthy by the grace of god — then this forced isolation could be seen as an opportunity for the go-getters to work on their side projects.

Most of the times, when talking about starting a side gig, the common excuse that comes up is — “I don’t have enough time to work on it these days.”

But, with forced hibernation, devoid of socializing, what if we could use that extra couple hours into something productive.

Be it that new skill you wanted to learn.

Or, that new business project you have always wanted to start.

Start today!
Start today!

Whatever it is, perhaps these extra isolation hours could provide us that window of opportunity, where we can channel that extra energy, and spare time, into growing ourselves.

Building something new.

So, if you have had a side project you always wanted to work on — now might be the time to begin:)

Hope this helps.


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