Unleash Your Creativity Today

By Using These Simple Tricks

Checkout our YouTube video on this at —

Many times we feel this mental hurdle that is blocking our creativity.


I have had this many times when I want to create some new iOS apps, or when I want to come up with a new idea for our next video.

To solve this problem, I read many books to understand how our mind works, and how we get interested or motivated to do some things, but NOT for some!

What controls our thoughts leading us to do something ?

I won’t suggest you go on a reading spree just like I did, but if you are interested — these 3 are my top recommendations

  1. Flow — by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Flow — by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Flow — by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

2. Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment — George Leonard

Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment — George Leonard
Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment — George Leonard

3. How to Stay Motivated: Developing the Qualities of Success — by Zig Ziglar

How to Stay Motivated: Developing the Qualities of Success — by Zig Ziglar
How to Stay Motivated: Developing the Qualities of Success — by Zig Ziglar

All of them told me different things about how our mind works.

Main things I learnt is that all successful people took their inspiration from things that were already working. Things that were perhaps already master pieces. And then they found things in them that they can improve..

For example, take Apple iPod — the best phone in those times were Blackberry — which were very cumbersome, had lots of keys, and had small screen sizes.

Blackberry phones had big keyboards which were useful at that time but were soon to be replaced with touch screen new technology

Apple understood that we need easily accessible keyboard for improving email technology (which they foresaw as the industry future) and came up with a solution where we have the keyboard — but its not in hardware, but in software (inside the touch screen, sliding up whenever we need it)

This made iPods an instant success. Because there were no more heavy keyboards like Blackberry.

So, find something you like — and look for ways to improve its current problems. This is the easiest route to coming up with an ingenuous solution, an innovative start.

Earlier I made a video about how to pickup any new skill fast. So, check it out below.

Here you can learn a proven process you can use to expedite your learning a new skill.

Pickup New Skill FAST

Pickup New Skill FAST

The trick that I use many times to jump start my creative instincts — is to SLEEP ON IT.

Whenever I feel my brain obstructing my creative flow — I do what we call Context Switching in Computer Science!

Switch your mind to something else — like take a walk, or go for a run, meditate etc.

Don’t watch TV because it does not actually relax your mind, it just makes it numb unfortunately.

Or, even take a short nap (from where comes the Sleep On It)

When you do something and come back to your problem after some time — your mind looks at it from a fresh perspective, from a different angle — and most likely than not, you will find that creative insight you were hoping for.

Hope this helps you guys.

Please leave a comment below if it helped you, and also if you have another method that has helped you in the past, which can help others who read this article.


🏆🏆🏆🏆 Unfolding Motivation and Success Principles for Go-Getters!
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